Visit of variety field trials


Common variety field trials of ULT Hungary Zrt., Nyidoter Kft. and Agroport-D Kft. have been set this year with the professional and financial support of ULT Hungary Zrt. and Nyidoter Kft..

The main aim of the variety trails, which trials have been set for many years, is to evaluate the performance, resistance of the new variety candidates under growing conditions. By this way those varieties can be chosen, which fulfill the requirements of industry and growers, growing experiences can be collected and the varieties can get into commercial production earlier.

Two flue-cured and two burley trials have been set in 2 – 2 sites (0,3 ha / variety / site).

Flue-cured trials have been set in Hajdúhadház – Fényestelep, grower: Ágnes Nemesné Fekete and in Nyírtét, grower: Novor Kft.. There are 3 variety candidates beside Hevesi 9 control in the trial: Vj 21, Vj 22, Vj 23.

The yield potential and quality of the variety candidates reaches or exceeds the control variety, the PVY resistance of the variety candidates exceeds the PVY resistance of the control variety. Vj 22 and Vj 23 – beside PVY resistance – have TMV resistance also.

Burley trials have been set in Hajdúhadház – Fényestelep, grower: Ágnes Nemesné Fekete and in Biri, grower: Mária Barnáné Katona. Pj 13 variety candidate has been set beside Pallagi 5 control.

In case of burley varieties – in addition to yield potential, quality, resistance – it is very important factor the smoking quality. The smoking quality of Pj 13 exceeds the smoking quality of the control variety.

During the visit of the variety field trials virus infection survey was done. Virus infected plants have not been found at any varieties in the survey areas of the growing sites. The second visit of the variety field trials and survey is planned in the middle of July.

Due to the high professional skills, attention and precise work of the growers, who provide the field for the trials, the trial and the commercial production sites show very favorable conditions. The fields are carefully cultivated and its environment is well arranged.








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